Tips for Spectacular Travel Photography

Travel Photography is nothing less than a passion. Let me ask a question. What intrigues you to take a photograph? Well, we all take photographs of those things which we think have some specialty. And when we are traveling, every moment seems to be special. Because mostly when we travel or spend a special time with our loved ones.

So, it is worth taking photographs of those special moments. But, is it really like Veni, Vidi, and Vici? An album full of excellent traveling photos is a hard-won thing.

If you want to capture spectacular traveling pictures, I can make your life a little bit easier. If it doesn’t work as well, then the image editing service provider can make it better. However, I have brought some brilliant tips to assist you in taking terrific travel photographs.

Tips for Spectacular Travel Photography

Shooting Landscapes

Shooting Landscapes

In most cases, holidays are all about traveling to a place with scenic beauty unless it is a staycation. If you are visiting a new place and want to shoot the landscapes of that area follow some basic rules. Shoot photos when the sun is moderately lower. Therefore you will get a soft light and shadows will be comparatively longer.

However, it is only possible when you are shooting in the early morning. Well, it has some advantages. One, there will not be too many people around and this type of photo is eye-soothing. You can enjoy the calmness and have a better idea about the place as well. Further, you can utilize these ideas to have good pictures.

Catch Neighborhood Components

Catch Neighborhood Components

Most places around the globe have exceptional components. For example, tourist spots, one-of-a-kind vehicles, traditional clothing, cuisine, individuals, culture, and other intriguing local beauty.

To catch a great holiday photo at that point consider what makes your goal unique, and afterward try to keep those in mind for your image. This may incorporate surrounding your scene so it includes a portion of these components as well. For example, if you are in New York take some photos of The Bronx, Subway, and Manhattan.

Never Miss the Major Attractions

Major Attraction, Travel Photography

Every city has some unique things to offer to tourists. You can shoot stunning architectural photography. The major attraction of a city is always important to capture. For example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Tower Bridge in London and the Colosseum in Rome, the opera house in Sydney. You can create the best shots in these types of attractions. As a result, it will bring a positive outcome. You can use these spectacular photos for engagement purposes.

Nighttime Shooting

Nighttime Shooting

Travel photography is incomplete without nighttime photography. Because the places you are visiting might have different beauty by day and at night. So you should not miss the chance to shoot at night. Well, if you are taking pictures at night time I have some suggestions for you. Take a tripod and keep the ISO setting as low as possible.

To make sure your images are not grainy and have a good quality you have to do that. Taking a tripod may not be convenient for you all the time. In that case, invest in a camera with the capacity to shoot good quality in low light.

Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II can be a good choice for that. Try to keep the camera stand still while shooting. Because at night time shooting photos easily get blurred.

Local People, Foods, and Atmosphere

Local atmosphere - Travel Photography

Always try to keep an aura of local culture, people, and atmosphere. However, taking photos of local people sometimes backfires. So, keep that in mind. Go and spend time with local people. Talking to them can give you a better idea about the local atmosphere.

Moreover, all the destinations have some traditional foods. Another important thing is the local food. Fix a specific time to shoot local food. Oh.. one more thing. Do not forget to enjoy the local food. While traveling, you can give it a try to do lifestyle photography as well.

Shoot Events

Event shooting

Travel Photography is incomplete without photos of the event that takes place in the area you go to. Events shooting should be an integral part of travel photography. The world is full of cities with quite interesting cultural programs. Take it as an opportunity to shoot the events.

In India, you will find Holi in every city during the season. Carnival is popular in many cities. For example, Notting Hill Carnival, Jamaican Carnival, and Rio de Janeiro Carnival. Capture photos of local festivals, new year programs, etc.

Local Architecture

Local Architecture

Most European cities are full of architectural beauty. Be it Rome, London, Lisbon, Naples, Florence, Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Budapest, Moscow, or any other city. Apart from European cities, numerous cities around the globe have architectural milestones. So, while traveling to any city try to shoot the architectural places.

Take A Bird’s Eye View

Travel Photography

If you are traveling in a hilly area you must do this. Go to the top of the hill and take some photos. You should try to take the whole town in one photograph. Especially the cities around the valley have a perfect location for this type of photography.

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Taking traveling photographs is fun. Without being embarrassed, get acquainted with the new place, people, and culture. Try to enjoy the moment. Follow the basics of photography. If you can enjoy every bit of your traveling, your photographs will be nice.

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What Camera Should I Buy for Photography in 2024

What Camera Should I Buy

What camera should I buy is a common question among people who want to buy a new camera? Are you thinking of buying the best DSLR camera as well? While having a DSLR camera is a hobby for some it is a necessity for others. Whatever the reasons are, you want a good-quality camera anyway. Because a camera is a thing that is always close to our hearts.

If you are a photographer then it becomes a part of your existence. For this reason, you cannot just go and buy a camera. You have to be picky when thinking of buying a camera. You need to know what to look for when buying a digital camera. Here you will get the basics of this. So, without further ado, let’s get down the business.

What to Look for When Buying A Digital Camera

In the digital age, capturing precious moments and unleashing your creativity is easier than ever with a camera. But with so many options on the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. This guide will break down the key factors to consider When Buying A Digital Camera, ensuring you find the perfect companion for your photographic journey. So Let’s Begin.

01. Pick the Right One | What Camera Should I Buy

Pick the Right Camera, What Camera Should I Buy

Selecting the right type of camera is a crucial thing. Perhaps, it is the most important thing to determine the right camera for you. What type of camera you should buy will depend on the type of photography you will get involved in. The genre of photography will largely influence your decision. Taking photos of flowers, your kids, traveling, wildlife, nature, sports, and events have their challenges.

Moreover, there are separate cameras for each of the genres. So, pick the right one according to your needs. A camera buying guide for beginners as you can help along the way. Though image editing can reduce the faults of the camera to some extent, you should be careful while buying a DSLR camera.

02. Lens Compatibility

Lens Compatibility, Camera Buying Guide Tips

If you already have a camera and want to buy a new one I need to tell you something. Make sure the camera you are going to buy is compatible with your old lenses. Mostly new cameras work well with the old lens. But, it may not be the case for every brand. Besides noticing the features of a good camera make sure it is matching with the old lens.

03. Look for Feature Limitations


When you decide to buy a camera only by reading the headline features you may get deceived. Sometimes, those impressive headline features come up with a dire limitation. So, while going for a camera like this go deeper and search for the feature limitations.

We often see that a camera capable of taking 4K videos is not able to do the same at more than 15fps. On the other hand, others may come up with better facilities. All the features should be as described.

04. Future Upgradations

Digital Camera, Camera Buying Guide

You may want to have a camera that will allow you to have an upgrade in the future. In that case, you should go for mirrorless or DSLR. You will not find this facility in a point-and-shoot camera that comes with a fixed lens. However, if you choose a point-and-shoot camera you can use it as a secondary camera. Because further, you cannot upgrade that.

05. Aperture Priority Mode and Shutter Priority Mode

Aperture Priority Mode

Aperture adjustment lets your background become clear or blurred. If you set the aperture wide the background will be more blurred. On the contrary, if you set the aperture narrower more and more things will get included in the scene without being lost. Moreover, the aperture setting brightens or darkens the image as a whole.

Using Shutter Priority Mode mode you can control the shutter speed. Shutter speed adjustment will allow you to freeze motion blur in your pictures. Moreover, like the aperture setting, it also affects the brightness of images.

Well, till now the discussion was about all you need to know about digital cameras. Besides that, there are some other things that you should take into consideration. Now the discussion will be about the factors connected to you.

What to Look for When Buying a Digital Camera, What Camera Should I Buy

06. Your Skill Level

Photography Skill

Creativity in photography determines the skill level you will achieve. And your skill level can determine what camera you should buy. A beginner’s camera will not be the same as an advanced photographer’s. If this is your first camera then do not go for a deep end or a full-frame DSLR directly. They don’t have built-in beginner’s features.

07. Your Hand Size

Photography, What Camera Should I Buy

Well, the answer to the question of what camera should I buy partially lies in the physical features of the buyer. one of the real and valid issues regarding the camera buying decision is your hand size. You have to hold the camera in your hand. So, you just cannot buy a random camera.

Make a list of several cameras and see what fits your hands best. Small hands cannot comfortably hold a big camera. Similarly, a big hand needs a big camera.

08. Photo Sharing Media | What Camera Should I Buy

Photo Sharing Media

Now and then technology is taking over the old one. Camera megapixels are increasing day by day. But think for a while. Do you need a highly configured camera? If not then just go for a Compact camera for photography as a hobby.

I am telling you this because I know many people do photography to share photos on different social media. On the other hand, other people are doing that for exhibition. So, image-sharing media may determine what camera you should buy in 2020. Read this article to learn about– social media image editing.

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FAQs | What Camera Should I Buy

Why Skill Level is Important?

Your skill level will determine whether you should buy a high-configuration camera or a normal camera.

What Resolution Do I Need for High-Quality Pictures?

For 4-inch by 6-inch pictures, you need in any event 0.9 megapixels. For 5×7 prints, you need any rate of 1.3 megapixels. For 8×10 prints, you need any rate of 3.0 megapixels. For 8.5×11 prints, you need in any event 3.5 megapixels. For setting up pictures on sites, a 2.0-megapixel camera ought to be sufficient.

What To Look for When Buying A Digital Camera?

You should consider shutter speed, brand image, your need,  your skill level, etc.

Final Thought

Well, buying a camera for you may take time. Because you have to consider many things. Similarly, you have to look for the best possible features you can get from a camera. However, the above discussion was all about what to consider when buying a camera.

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How to Be Creative in Photography in 2024

How to be creative in photography

How to be creative in photography and never turn back. Yes, that’s what I mean.  Hello, I hope everyone is doing fine. Today’s blog is about a little less discussed topic as people think it is natural and you cannot help it. I am talking about creativity. However, creativity means generating new ideas springing from human intelligence.

In everyday life, we use our creative senses to deal with numerous problems. Nevertheless, photography is a profession where you cannot but be creative. Because creative types of photography are the outcome of an artistic mind.

So, are you searching for some key ideas to know how to stay creative in photography? If yes, hang on till the end of this article. Let’s enter the main topic. By the way, Let me tell you one more thing. Besides being creative in photography, you have to do image editing as well. Otherwise, you have to take an image editing service.

Tips | How to Be Creative in Photography in 2024

Observe | How to Be Creative in Photography

Psychology says “the observers are more creative than the non-observers.” Though natural, creativity doesn’t come to you without effort. You cannot decide to be creative overnight. The better you observe the more your creativity gets honed.  You have to observe people who are doing better than you.

In photography, it is better to assist an already-established photographer. Thus you can observe how creative his works are, and take notes on unusually exceptional aspects.

Observation is the best skill a photographer can have. Through systematic observation, you can groom creativity. A proper observation can give life to your photography. To develop and improve creativity you have to be a good observer at first. So, observe, analyze, evaluate, and shoot.

Be imaginative

Many people have the question “What is creativity in general?” Let me answer that question for you. The word creativity has its roots in the Latin language. The Latin word “creō” means “to create, make”. Everything men have created once was imagined.

In photography, you have the best opportunity to use your imagination. You have to keep visualizing what your picture will look like. Relate architecture, color scheme, and lighting so that your images create a story. Have a logical and artistic connection among these. Try to go out of the box and implement that in your photography. Otherwise, no creative photography hacks can help you.

Read books from experts

If you are skilled enough, only then you can try new things. So, you should read photography books from different experts to develop your skills. You will get hundreds of quality books available.

Read and execute the suggestions you find in the book. Books from professional photographers can teach you how to make artistic photos. Gradually you can be creative in photography. Books will take you to a whole new world. Here are some books that I found very beneficial.

Complete Digital Photography by Ian Farrell

In this book, you will get a full guideline for digital photography. Starting from the shooting, till post-production and then printing. You will get all the theoretical details in this book to master your photography skills. Ian Farrel wrote this in an uncomplicated manner. For beginners, it is one of the best books. So if you want to start from the beginning, this book can be the best help for you.

How to Be Creative in Photography

Within the Frame by David duChemin

You will get the phrase “gear is good, vision is better” repeatedly in this book. The writer put emphasis more on technical skills than having new and modern gears. Though the book is about travel photography, the expertise he shared applies to all kinds of photography.

Be your critic

Most people are fans of their work. And this attitude is an obstacle to their development. If you cannot criticize your work you cannot improve. Because the inner critic is not a rival. Rather it will drive you towards your goal. No matter how good your work looks, do not be satisfied with that. You have to find out the flaws of your work so that you can upgrade your level.

Moreover, notice your good work as well. Look at your photos like a magazine editor. Select some of the best photographs you clicked. If you were a magazine editor would you publish your photos?

Now you can send them to some magazines, to see if they truly publish or not. Criticize your work but never devalue yourself. Being your critic can be a stepping stone towards composing creative photography portraits. 

Start a photography blog/website

Well, at first it may seem something outside of your interest. Because it includes writing and managing a blog or website. Moreover, you might think that these are specially trained people. But let me assure you that thousands of photographers are doing it without any training in this field.

Starting a blog or website will open a new window of opportunity for you. As you start writing, you will face many problems. Learn many other things mostly about creative photoshoots. Practice like this will help you stay creative throughout your career.

So, make a collection of the photos you find good and start blogging. You can take inspiration from different photographer cum photography bloggers.

Keep changing your perspective

Changing perspective can be a great leap for you towards being creative in this profession. Every time you take a picture of the same subject you should try a new perspective.

Try to be clever in photography. If you love to shoot vertically then experiment with the horizontal shot. If you usually take small details, then go for a wide-angle view and shoot. Trying these new can unfurl your creative sense.

Change your genre

Who doesn’t love to be in your comfort zone? Well, a comfort zone gives us ease of doing something. Because we become familiar with this at some point. Having a comfort zone is okay, but problems occur when we stay there for long. We get habituated with that and our creative mind remains dormant. So, awaken your latent talent for photography by changing your genre.

You can try numerous types of photography genres. If you usually do wildlife photography then give it a try for product photography. If real estate photography is your strong zone then go for model photography. You can try Doing new things that will boost your confidence, and educate your new expertise.

Open your inner eyes

As a photographer, you have to see below the surface level. Because, to be creative in photography, you have to keep your inner eyes open. While others are busy with what anything looks like, you should go deeper. To do that successfully you have to open your inner eyes.

Anyone can go to a beautiful landscape with a camera and take photos of different subjects. However, seeing things from the surface level gradually decreases our innate bondage to nature. As a result, we become judgemental and develop comparisons, tunnel vision, and expectations.

All of these are detrimental to our creative growth. So, to be creative in photography, you have to keep your inner eyes open. A person whose inner eyes are open can see the beauty in everything. And it is very crucial to see things in this manner to foster a creative sense.

Latest Article: 20 Creative Mother-Daughter Photoshoot Pose Ideas & Tips

Keep learning new things

You must have seen people of old age. Some of them have a great level of creativity, some are not creative enough. Because some people are learning new things continuously, some are not. You have to nourish the childlike enthusiasm in you to remain creative throughout your life. Moreover, always think that others are much more competent than you. Only then can you learn cool photography tricks from them.

You will get nothing from criticizing others. If your strong zone is wedding photography learn to shoot interior photography. To keep learning new things I would suggest you do these things.

  • Follow the YouTube photography channel. You can learn creative ways of clicking photos, creating depth with shadow, and using the lights.
  • Attend a photo of the different expo. In the photo gallery, you will get a huge collection of the best photos from great photographers. Scrutinize and learn from those photos.
  • Follow Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, etc. You can get everything about photography on social media.
  • Go to travel photography. Going to new places and meeting new people is challenging and a door to new opportunities.
  • Create your style. You don’t need to follow others all the time. By learning from others, you also can create different photography styles that belong to you.


To wrap it up, let me tell you again, that there is no alternative to learning new things. Be it in the form of a book, or any person, you have to keep learning new stuff.

Remember that, there is always room for improvement. Take new challenges, keep educating yourself, and become a super creative person. Creativity does not come by itself. You have to take every initiative to get creative in photography. I hope this article will give you a guideline on the way of becoming creative.

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Product Photography | A Complete Guideline

Guide to Product Photography is the one thing people search for online very often. Because many people are willing to take good product photos. Do you also want to make the best product photos but somehow every time you end up with an average result?

Are you a little confused about the tricks and techniques of the product photos? I will share some product photography ideas and tricks that can assist you in making more accurate product photos. By using these tips, you can become more professional in product photography.

E-commerce sites and product photography are closely connected. You won’t find a single e-commerce site without displayed product photos. The main component of an e-commerce site is the product photo. So, the photos have to be the best in Outlook.

Besides that, buyers should understand the basic features of the product at first sight. Therefore, while taking product photos, you have to be attentive, creative, and professional. Stick to the article.

Let Me Explain A Simple Guide to Product Photography

01. Follow the Brands You Like

As you are intending to become a product photographer, you must like some brands. Their photos attract you and inspire you to be a product photographer. Use this fascination as an inspiration. Analyze their works. Scrutinize the photos so that you can understand every bit of it. Try to find out the angles, the color scheme, and the amount of lighting they use.

Imitate what you learn from them. You can learn a lot of product photography techniques. Or you can read their product photography blog from experts. For example, if you are about to shoot a women’s boutique. Now go and search for the best boutique brands and follow how they have shot the pictures. Reflect on your photographs.

02. Clean Up Your Camera Lenses

Well, cameras are the most important thing for shooting photos. Camera quality is a major issue. You have to know about the quality of the best camera for product photography. Besides that, a clean lens. Dirty lenses damage the quality of a photo.

Before shooting make sure your lenses are clean. If you are shooting on a smartphone, confirm that there is not even a fingerprint on the lens. I would recommend a microfiber cloth that we use to cleanse our glasses. Also, you can use a simple rag that you use to clean up your laptop screen.

03. Fix a Position for the Product

The best product photos are those that you take focusing on the subject most. The first step towards a good photo is to create a setting. To create an impressive setting for the subject, you should follow these helpful hints for product photography.

Select a simple white background. The plain white background is best for the maximum product photos. You can easily bring your subject into the spotlight by just clicking it with a simple white background. Because a white background causes no distraction.

04. Contextualize product

You can contextualize the subject by creating a relevant environment. For instance, if you are shooting cooking appliances, you should shoot in a kitchen. While creating context make sure they don’t create a distraction.

The target customer should understand the use of the product from the photo. Professional product photography follows a context. Contextualizing product photos lessens the editor’s workload. If not okay then you can take photo editing services.

05. Make the Best Use of Light

Natural light is always free of costs, and much more comfortable to work with. On the contrary, artificial light requires a budget. When you are shooting indoors, stay close to the window so that you can use the natural light. Especially for images for social media uploads, the use of proper light plays an important role.

Product Photography Tips, Product Photography

06. Flash and Lights

In the faint light, flash has no competitor. Perhaps it is the best idea to use flash in that light situation. Otherwise, it is better to turn the flash off. However, we are trying to click product photos. So, we don’t need to flash here. Let’s talk about lighting now. Without lighting, it is impossible to shoot.

Whether natural or artificial, you will need a certain amount of lighting. When it is product photography, lighting becomes much more crucial. For this reason, the best product photographers maintain a balance when it comes to using flash.

Clients don’t like product photos that are not clear, concise, and definite. Sometimes, it’s better to use natural light but in some cases using a Product photography lighting kit is mandatory. Especially in indoor shooting using a reflector is a good way to keep the light within the frame.

07. Select a good location

Now it’s time to choose a location for your photoshoot. I would suggest you rent a studio. Because there you will get enough space. You don’t need to worry about the other settings. A studio keeps everything ready you need for the photoshoot.

08. Set Camera Modes

You might think it’s obvious that everyone will set the camera mode before shooting. Then why am I writing about it? Yes, you are right. But I need to mention this just to remind you. Every kind of camera has some default modes.

Auto, Portrait, Macro, Landscape, Sports, and Night Portrait, are some of the modes of DSLR cameras. You can take the benefit out of these modes while shooting product photography. If you are using an iPhone for shooting products, you can activate HDR mode.

HDR mode helps adjust the color balance. As camera modes can have an impact on photos, you should set your camera modes carefully.

09. Use of Zoom

One of the common product photography facts is you have to show the product details. A great way to show detail is to use zooming technology. For this, you should choose a camera that is capable of taking standard close-up images.

In the current market, it is easy to get a camera that can take high-quality zoomed-in photos. Some other settings also contribute to getting the best zooming result. When you use Shutter speed, ISO, and Aperture together it gives amazing results.

Similarly, using a tripod can help you to take close-up shots.  The first thing is, it is a matter of ethics. The second thing is, that one may buy or reject the product after seeing the flaws. If he buys the product after knowing the defect, there will be no claim for a refund.

10. Set the Camera Firmly

A professional photographer finds a suitable angle that works. While shooting, he keeps that angle stable. On the other hand, an unprofessional photographer may find an accurate angle but cannot give it a proper finish. Because he moves the camera while shooting.

The key factor in product photography is consistency. To keep that balance you cannot move the camera every now and then. Instead of moving the camera, you can move the product. You can expect a better result in applying this little advice.

11. Product Photography Accessories

The need for product photography accessories depends on the item you will shoot. For example, you will need pegs and safety pins to keep clothing in place. The fishing line works perfectly while shooting jewelry products to keep the works stand straight.

Tape and glue dots do quite a similar job. Some product photography accessories examples are coat hangers, iron, scissors, hooks, clamps, batteries, chargers, etc. You may need some or all of them according to the type of item you are shooting.

12. Editing Photographs

No matter how perfectly you shoot, you should always edit your product photos. Even if you think your photos are exactly as you wanted, never ignore the importance of editing. Minor editing can improve your photos. So, if it is not possible for you to edit then take photo editing services. If you are going for simple editing keep that consistency.

As a result, it will make navigation of your website easy. You can find thousands of editing software out there online. Or, you can outsource editing. Background removal, and color correction, are the most common editing you will need in product photography. You can even have product photography services near you. They also provide editing along with shooting.


Before wrapping up the article, I would say that these are not the ultimate guide for product photography. Every type of photography has its kind of problem. Product photography is no different thing. You will face many challenges in product photography as well. You can overcome these by taking some simple steps. Your photographs can be the best product photography examples.

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How To Create Awesome Lifestyle Photography in 2024

How to Create Best Lifestyle Photography

Awesome lifestyle photography is a long-cherished dream for many photographers. Do you get amazed by the candid photos you see online? You should because these candid photos have an X factor that grabs people’s attention in no time. In photography diction, we call it lifestyle photography.

No one can ignore the appeal of lifestyle photography if it is taken properly. Well, it is easier said than done. If you are enthusiastic and want to know how to become a lifestyle photographer then read this article. I have brought a bunch of tips and tricks of lifestyle photography to the table. So, shall we get started?

Well, there is no better way than starting something with its definition. So, what does lifestyle photography mean? In short, lifestyle photography focuses on taking photos of people in different situations of real-life events. So, lifestyle shooting mainly takes people’s emotional reactions like laughter, surprise, joy, etc.

The aim is to share life stories and motivate people in different life circumstances. Be it a wedding ceremony, a birthday party, or any social gathering.

What is Lifestyle Photography?

What is Lifestyle Photography, Lifestyle Photography

However, the goal is to show the subject in the best light. Therefore, it places multidisciplinary photography together in one place. A lifestyle photographer is more than a usual photographer who doesn’t merely shoot photos but creates stories. He is essentially an expert in other genres of photography as well.

Because the term “Lifestyle Photography” by itself is holistic. By holistic I mean it covers a whole range of photography techniques and genres. So, while shooting lifestyle photography you have to be creative and highly proficient.

Types of Lifestyle Photography

Types of Lifestyle Photography, Lifestyle Photography

Lifestyle photography covers a large part of the overall photography genre. Examples of lifestyle photography are lifestyle fashion photography, lifestyle travel photography, lifestyle wedding photography, business lifestyle photography, lifestyle real estate photography, lifestyle product photography, e-commerce photography, lifestyle family photography, and so on.

Lifestyle Photography Tips and Tricks

Ever wonder how photographers capture those amazing everyday scenes? Today, we’ll share some easy tips to help you take stunning lifestyle photos!

01. Use Multiple Viewpoints

Lifestyle Photographer

No other genre of photography can reach the level of lifestyle photography when it comes to naturality. The common criteria of this type of photography are full of naturalness, abruptness, and unexpectedness of actions. So, as a photographer, your target should always be to click the most natural pose.

To get the best output you should take multiple viewpoints. In lifestyle photography, it is not easy to get the best photo in one click. You have to try different angles to get your desired result. Take the same photo from the bottom, up, or from sideways. Use your creativity to get what exactly you want.

02. Capture Before, While, and After-The-Moment Photos

Capture Before, While, and After-The-Moment Photos

About lifestyle photography what I believe is the best moments are continuously happening. They say “Life is what is happening now”. To capture those you don’t need to wait. Yes, good things indeed happen only to those who wait. But in lifestyle photography, good things are constantly happening. Just be present and keep shooting.

Capture before, while, and after-the-moment photos. Well, some of the photos may not be up to the mark which you can delete later. But, in between the average photos, there will be a good collection of stunning pictures.

So, the technique here is, to keep abreast of the situations. The photos you are taking are very important for your customers. So, try your level best to shoot every bit of that particular period.

03. Practice While Traveling

Practice While Traveling

Traveling is a great opportunity for you to practice lifestyle photography. Traveling gives you a range of real-life moments. You can experience lifestyle photography up close. Take shots while roaming around. Have a little chat with the people of the places you visit then take pictures.

By this, you can connect your imagination and techniques with their lifestyle. As a result, you will get more authentic images. Moreover, you can maintain a lifestyle photography blog. Therefore you can write about what new things you are learning.

04. Let Bygones Be Bygones

Lifestyle Photography, Lifestyle Photography Ideas

I have already said that in lifestyle photography you always have to be in the present. While shooting lifestyle photos, sometimes you may think that you have missed a crucial moment to shoot. And now you want the subjects to repeat the pose. Do not try to do this. Just let it be because it will ruin the naturality.

Besides being unnatural the photos will look planned and the lack of emotion will be apparent. So, it will be a poor decision to repeat any particular moment. On top of that, you have to remember you are shooting family’s good times. And, some members cannot do the same thing again. So, let it go and focus on the next shot.

05. Use Daylight As Much As You Can | Lifestyle Images

Use Daylight As Much As You Can, Lifestyle Photography Tips

Naturality is the lifeline for lifestyle photography. And there is no alternative to natural light. So, while shooting lifestyle pictures, try to keep everything natural. Do not use artificial lights as long as you can. Go for artificial lights only when you desperately need them.

Otherwise, natural light is the best option. Most of the famous lifestyle photographers tend to use natural light more. They admit that there is no alternative to natural light.

06. Keep The Camera Ready

Keep Your Camera Ready

Shooting photos of people is trickier than shooting products. You do not know when a person will start doing something new in a new circumstance. You may not get time to adjust your camera settings for shooting. So, in commercial lifestyle photography, you have to keep your camera ready all the time.

Know about the best cameras to shoot

07. Try Several Lenses

Try Several Lenses

Lifestyle photography doesn’t require any specific kind of lenses. I mean, there is no specific camera lens that works best for lifestyle photography. So, you can use any convenient lens. In lifestyle photography, you have to shoot both from up close and afar. In my view, you should use the lens you are already habituated with. Because you can easily customize this whenever you need it.

08. Discuss With Your Client & Create Your Shot List

Discuss With Your Client

For professional photographers, it is a basic thing to remain connected with their clients. When it is lifestyle photography it becomes more crucial to have a good connection with the models. You should know them well beforehand. When you are taking a lifestyle photoshoot at home, build a good relationship with your client.  Try to have a close idea about their hobbies, and motto of life.

The best way to do this is to discuss it with them. Observe what they are listening to, and how they spend their family time. Get a little deeper into their family lives. Ask what they like or dislike. Therefore, you can create a comfort zone with them. Having a comfort zone is important in lifestyle photography. Besides that, a discussion will allow you to know their demands.

As soon as you have a chat with your clients, you should know what they want. To accomplish their demand, you can create a shot list. A shot list will help you to execute the whole photo shooting session successfully. You can make the list according to the interest they show during a discussion.

09. Choose A Photography Destination | Lifestyle photography

Choose A Photography Destination

Usually, people choose their home to shoot lifestyle photography. But you can give this kind of photography a more realistic look by shooting at their favorite cafe, shops, parks, university campuses, etc. As lifestyle photography is situational photography, this type of location can be a good option.

10. Delight in Disorder

Delight in Disorder
Image source: Learn compact appliances 

Yes, you read it right. Cleanliness is good but not always. In lifestyle photography like Robert Herrick, you have to find delight in disorder. A stuffy room with spilled juice on the floor, and scattered socks and books looks more vivid than a tidy room.

A disordered room bears the sign of children’s playfulness. On the other hand, a neat and clean house looks more like a newly bought house. A house like this feels blunt and disconnected from emotion or memories. So, do not try to be over-clean. Just let things be as they are.

11. Use The Environment

Use the Environment, Lifestyle Photography

The environment has an important role to play in any kind of photography. Usually, lifestyle photographers want close-ups of people’s lives. In doing so, they sometimes forget to use the environment. Take your clients where they love to spend time with their close ones. Use the environment of that particular place.

Pay attention to the details like a hairpin, and artistic dresses. Or a child holding its father’s finger in sleep, a child playing with toys. These small details along with the environment create stories. Sometimes, we see that we need to change the background or remove it because the environment is not supportive. So, while using the background keep it relevant.

12. Take Motion Pictures

Take Motion Pictures, Lifestyle Photography

Children always remain busy running to and fro. Some children cannot stand still for a minute in one place. And this is a good opportunity for you to shoot pictures while they are moving. Motion pictures are best when taken perfectly.

So, try to click children when they are climbing trees, or sliding in stair railing. Or click while they play hopscotch, hide and seek, freeze tag, freeze, dance, etc. When they are busy with games you get the most realistic lifestyle pictures.

13. Give Your Client Freedom of Choice

Give Your Client Freedom of Choice

Do not over-instruct your client. Lifestyle family photography posing is all about being candid and natural. Let your clients do what they love. Give them enough freedom so that they become as they feel comfortable.

The mother may want to feed her baby and the father may want to make coffee in the kitchen. Or they both can prepare meals together.  I don’t find any valid reason to stop them. I would rather say allow them to do so. The feeling of freedom will get the best poses out of them.

14. Stay Innovative

Stay Innovative, Lifestyle Photography
Image source: Flipp

If you ask ten photographers separately to shoot an open sky, you will find ten different viewpoints. Because we don’t think alike. As an individual photographer, you also have to be different with every shot. Keep changing your perspectives. In lifestyle photography, there is no way to be boring and cliche.

You should not try the same pattern again and again. I would suggest you not fall into the trap of the habit loop. Your photos should look as though three different photographers have taken them.

15. Give Directions

A Proper Directions

Giving freedom is necessary but some people need proper instructions. In that case, you should provide them with enough instructions. Make them comfortable in front of the camera. Very few people feel easy while posing for a photograph. Talk to them, tell them how to feel at ease, and make them relaxed.

A proper direction can give you the best result. If you take a beautiful photo, it will automatically touch the heart. I strongly feel that lifestyle photography is the closest to the heart of the people. They frame what they cherish, what they live for.

So, it becomes the most valuable treasure to them at the end of the day. Someday these will make them laugh, cry, and retrospect. So, while shooting lifestyle photography be professional and enjoy every bit of it to the fullest.

Miscellaneous Advice

Advice for Lifestyle Photography

Camera settings for lifestyle photography are almost the same as other photography genres. Just always keep your camera gear ready. Stay authentic in your professional life. Have some strategic plan for the whole session. Moreover, taking good photographs is not enough.

After that take image post-production service if necessary. You may need color correction for the photographs you are taking. Try to anticipate the logical conclusion. For example, you have to guess what is coming next from your subjects. Ultimately you have to accept reality and appreciate the imperfections.

Don’t Miss Out


I would like to conclude, quoting James Thurber, the great American cartoonist, and writer. He said, “Beautiful things don’t ask for attention”. And this is what I believe.

If you take a beautiful photo, it will automatically touch the heart. I strongly feel that lifestyle photography is the closest to the heart of the people. They frame what they cherish, what they live for. So, it becomes the most valuable treasure to them at the end of the day.

Because these photos are not mere images of their daily life. They comprise the precious memories of their everyday life. Someday these will make them laugh, cry, and retrospect. So, while shooting lifestyle photography be professional and enjoy every bit of it to the fullest.

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